Spring Grove

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Welcome to Nursery

In Nursery we are trying to be independent learners.

We are teaching the children how to put on their coats by themselves, wash and dry their hands, place their finished pictures in the going home box, tidying up after themselves, collecting their snack and brushing their teeth.

We would really appreciate if you could help us with these things at home.

Below are some links to hand washing, putting coats on, brushing teeth and helping themselves. Please look at the links and talk about how they can help themselves at home. 

How to get myself dressed

Washing your hands

Brushing teeth

Summer 2

This half term we will be looking at transport and journeys. 

The children will be creating different types of transport and then going on a journey to France. 

The children will be making passports and tickets ready to go on the aeroplane. 

We are learning bout France and the sites you will see there. 

The Nursery children have been making vehicles using the junk modelling. 

Summer 1

This half term we are learning about growing. 

The children will be learning about how to grow plants,

the life cycles of a butterfly,

how to keep healthy looking at fruit and vegetables. 

The stories we have been looking at are;

Jack and the Beanstalk  

Oliver's Fruit salad

Oliver's Vegetables

Please click the above stories to watch them. 

In Nursery we have been looking at healthy foods. We went on a visit to Sainsburys in town to fin lots of fruit and vegetables to try. We used the self check out to buy the foods and then took them back to school to try. We also used some 9of the vegetables to make veg people. We hope you like them as much as we do. 

This week we have been looking at our sense of sight.

The children all made their own glasses to show what it would be like if we needed to wear glasses.

Don't you think we look smart.


Spring 1

This half term we will be looking at the topic 'Bears'.

Within this topic we will be looking at the stories 

Goldilocks and the three bears

We're Going on a Bear Hunt

Snow bears

Please click the titles above to view the stories.


In math's we will be looking at 

2D / 3D shapes

preposition language

Bear counting

In Nursery we have been learning about different types of bears.

We decided to invite our own teddies to a teddy bears picnic at the end of our topic.

We had so much fun making sandwiches, baking biscuits and sharing a picnic with our bears.


Autumn 2

This half term we have been looking at 'Celebrations' and we have managed to explore a large variety of celebrations for ourselves and started to understand celebrations that other people have. 

We have looked at Bonfire night -Woolly and Tigg firework day

Remembrance day - Remembrance video

Diwali - My Diwali celebration

Birthdays - Happy birthday story

and Christmas - The Christmas story

Please what the videos above with your children so that you can see what they have been learning.



The children have really enjoyed learning about Diwali. They took part in making Rangoli patterns using coloured sand and they also used the clay to create divas.

We have looked at the celebration of bonfire night in class. We looked all of the fireworks that we saw so we decided to make some of our own using glue, coloured paint and glitter. 

Autumn 1

Welcome to all of our new Nursery children and parents.

Welcome back to all of our old Nursery children and parents. 

This half term we will be learning 'all about me!'

We will be exploring ourselves, what we look like, how we have similar features to our friends but how we are all unique and individuals. We will look at similarities and difference between ourselves and our friends.

Please have a look at the links below with your children to enhance our learning at school. 

This story helps us to think about growing up, we were shocked to learn that our grown ups used to be little like us!

Sometimes it feels like we will be small forever! Listen to this story, 'Titch, you'll soon grow into them'.

We will be reading stories such as 'Titch(CLICK FOR STORY),

'I'm special I'm me' (CLICK HERE),

the large family stories and learning lots of new songs and rhymes.


Autumnal headdresses

Look how much fun we had at our Witch party. We have been looking at the stories of Winnie the witch. 

In Nursery we have been making Vegetable soup. We enjoyed cutting up the vegetables Placing them in the pan and then eating what we have made. Mrs Holroyd-Nunn also carved the pumpkin for us to look at. 


We have been on an Autumn walk and we have been creating pictures of ourselves using different objects.

Phonics in Nursery

We will be introducing the children to the Essential letters and sounds system that we use in school.

They have been learning phase 1 phonics which is about listening and attention. This is essential for children in Nursery as it helps our children to understand what they hear and react to what they hear.

Below are the 7 areas we look at in phase 1 phonics. Please take a look with your children to help them develop these skills.

Phase 1 environmental sounds

           animal sounds

           body percussion

           voice sounds

            rhythm and rhyme


           oral blending

Phase 2 is now being taught to the children that are ready for this phase. If this is your child we will let you know. Please look at this link to help with their pronunciation of each sound.  Jolly phonics


Please click here to see the poster showing why Essential letters and sounds is important.


To best support us in teaching your child to read, we ask that you spend at least 10 minutes a day reading with your child. This will hugely support them on their journey to becoming an independent reader.

We will be changing children’s books once a week on Thursday's. This will allow your child to re-read each text several times, building their confidence and fluency. Remember that children who can not recognise sounds yet can still tell a story using the pictures for clues.

For children, re-reading words and sentences that they can decode (sound out) until they are fluent (read with ease and precision) is a key part of learning to read. By reading texts several times, children have the greatest opportunity to achieve this fluency.

The texts sent home are carefully matched to the teaching taking place in school. Your child will be practising what they have been taught in school with you at home. We will only ask children to read books independently when they can decode these by themselves. These books will only be sent home when your child is ready. Most children will have story books which you can read to them and let them retell the story to you.

Any books that are not yet decodable for the children will be sent home as a sharing book. These books will be sent home for you to read with your child, helping us to instill a love of reading from the very beginning of their reading journey. These could be read together with your child reading the words they are able to decode or could be read to your child.

If you have any further questions or queries, please do not hesitate to ask.


Nursery - I would like to hear about all the fabulous things you have been getting up to over the last few weeks. Send me a comment with help from you parents to let me know what you are enjoying or to ask a question if you are stuck with anything.

Keep in touch, Mrs Holroyd-Nunn


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