Spring Grove

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During the summer term year 2 did some exciting activities

As part of our DT unit this half term, the children designed and had a go at making their very own healthy picnic! We made a healthy sandwich, fruit kebabs and cookies. 

Last half term, the children made fairy tale puppets. They had lots of fun practising different stitching to join the different parts of their puppet together. 

In maths this half term, we have been looking at addition and subtraction. The children had a go at using practical resources to work out addition number sentences to add across 10.

Last half term in PE, the children practised a variety of Scottish dancing. They thoroughly enjoyed showcasing their dance routines to the rest of the class.

The children had a go at planting broad beans and garlic to support our science unit ‘plants’ for the Spring term.

The children made clay poppies to commemorate Rememberance Day.

In Design and Technology, the children designed their very own sheep carts! They then made sheep carts for Grannie Island’s sheep Alecina and evaluated their product.

In English, we have been looking at writing instructions. The children had a go at following a recipe to make Great Fire of London buns. They had lots of fun baking and enjoyed eating their delicious creations

Snow day March 10th 2023

Today,  please complete the following work (scroll down) :

-Work through the PowerPoint which looks at finding one quarter of a number, and then complete the worksheet

-Add punctuation to the sentences.

Alternatively, create a poster or leaflet about keeping healthy.


O U R   C L A S S   P A G E 

The children in Year 2 enjoy a varied and exciting curriculum with lots of creative activities. This page is updated with photos and information from each Topic; make sure you check back for regular updates.

Our topic this half term is 'Twisted Fairy Tales.' This means we write traditional fairy tale stories but innovate them by bringing in new characters. E.g. Goldilocks and The Three Pigs. Click here for an overview.

H O M E   L E A R N I N G   R E S O U R C E S 

P H O N I C S 

P H A S E  3 - Parent video - Phase 3 games

P H A S E  4 - Parent video - Phase 4 games,

P H A S E  5  - Parent video -   Phase 5 games

eBOOKS - CLICK HERE and choose a free phonics story to read online.

Phonics story time - CLICK HERE and have a phonics story read to you. 

S P A G 

Home spelling practise is very important, as we are not just learning words for a test, but to improve our vocabulary and writing. Please encourage your children to practise reading and spelling the Year 1 and Year 2 common exception words.  Click here to access them. 

S U F F I X E S 

GraphemeA grapheme is one letter or group of letters used to write one sound, e.g. the sound ‘f’ can be written with the grapheme f (fun), ff (huff) and ph (phone).

 Syllables - Syllables are chunks within long words.

Adding Suffixes

You also need to know how to add a suffix to a word like this:

-ed (as in jumped),    -ing (as in playing),    -er (as in cooler),    -est (as in greatest),    -ful (as in grateful),    -y (as in tidy)

Click here and read through this PowerPoint with your child about adding -ing endings. 

Click here and read through this PowerPoint with your child about adding -ed endings. 

Click here and read through this PowerPoint with your child about adding -ed, -ing or -er endings. 

Click here and read through this PowerPoint with your child about adding -ly  endings. 

Click here and read through this PowerPoint with your child about adding -ful and -less endings. 

T I M E S  T A B L E S - online games and Maths practice

Please help your child to practise and learn number bonds for all numbers to 20 (e.g. the pairs of numbers which make each number: 7 and 3 make 10, 5 and 4 make 9, 13 and 4 make 17 etc.) as well as their 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables.  These are now part of the National Curriculum for Year 2 children and will be essential to their progress in Maths this year. 

Click here to access an online times tables game. 

Click here to access an online multiplication game. 

Click here to practice telling the time and recognising the minute and hour hand on a clock. Can you count in 5s to tell the time? We use the phrase 'o'clock at the top' to help us remember. Discuss half past, quarter past and quarter to. 

Click here to access an online mental arithmetic quiz. 

Click here to access a maths games using symbols ( + = - x and divide)

S C I E N C E   A N D   F O U N D A T I O N   S U B J E C T   R E S O U R C E S 

Soon we will begin learning about the Great Fire of London- - click here to watch some videos.

Look at the timeline of events that happened, what happened first? What happened after that? Which was the last event to happen?

Play this game to work as a historian. How do historians find out what happened in the past?

Click here - and watch videos from BBC Bitesize about plants. 

Click here - to play an online game about why plants grow in the Spring. 

Click here - and label the different parts of a plant. 

 F R E N C H 

We are learning French and really enjoy it! We are currently learning the days of the week. Click here to watch a video and learn a song. 

Thank you for your continued support. 

K N O W L E D G E   O R G A N I S E R S 

Knowledge organisers are a summary of the key facts and essential knowledge that pupils need about a unit of work or a curriculum subject. They are a really useful guide to help pupils improve their recall of key knowledge.

Knowledge organisers will be added below throughout the term which link to our topic area. They are an excellent way to introduce new vocabulary so please share and discuss them with your child at home. You can quiz them and ask questions about what new information they have learnt. 


Materials (Autumn term recap)

DT - puppets (Spring term)

Plants (Y1 revision) - read this first! (Spring term)

Plants Y2 revision (Spring term)


Christmas (Autumn term recap)

Diwali (Autumn term recap)


The Great Fire of London timeline (Autumn term recap)

London Life (Autumn term recap) 

New London (Autumn term recap)


CLICK HERE - to play a game to order the events of the Great Fire of London (Autumn term recap) 

CLICK HERE - to watch video clips of the Great Fire of London (Autumn term recap)

I T ' S   A  B A B Y -  O U R   C H R I S T M A S   P E R F O R M A N C E 

A U T U M N   O N E 

Near and Far Topic

We learnt about Scotland and how to use an atlas and Google Earth to locate the four countries within the UK. We focused on Scotland where Katie Morag lives and created our own Isle of Struay maps to show its physical and human features. We learnt about Huddersfield and walked into town to compare both places. The children were amazing at sketching our school using different grades of pencil on our return.

We made Grannie Island's famous 'porridgies' and learnt about the features in a recipe before writing our own. To help Grannie Island we took on the tricky challenge of designing her a sheep cart in DT. We drew our designs, listing the materials we will use and learnt how to measure wood and cut dowels using saws! We have had an amazing first term in Year 2 full of fun! Take a look below at some of our work. 

Please leave a comment and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. (comments need to be approved by a member of staff before they are displayed on the page). Thank You.


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